Mr. Ashwani Kumar Singh aged about 45 years; the driving force & visionary of the group started his career at the age of 24 years and has built up an empire. He has rich experience of about 22 years. He is well known to the society for his commitment towards Quality Craftsmanship' and has a good image among customers, suppliers and bankers to keep his comittments. As Chairman & Managing Director. He looks after the Business Development, Finance and Strategic Planning of the Group. His foresight of identifying and developing new markets is remarkable and his abilities to continuously anticipate market needs enable the group to design the products well in advance and introduce innovative designs. Mr. Ashwani Kumar Singh, (Chairman & Managing Director)
The energy bundle who fuels BRANIAC with enthusiasm and holds administrative duties. She is also responsible for execution of projects, sales / marketing of BRANIAC projects. Mrs. Singh lends a touch of class to the BRANIAC brand. Kusum Singh, (Director)